RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Fire Ground Operations"

The New Fire Ground and the First-Due

The New Fire Ground and the First-Due

The most recent production of Taking it the Streets was on-line live this past Wednesday August 17th where another special program continued our series discussion on the Emerging Tactical Renaissance in the Fire Service. Taking it to the StreetsTM, radio program hosted by highly regarded national instructor, author, lecturer and fire officer Christopher Naum, continues to provide […]

Survivability Profiling: Taking it to the Streets

Survivability Profiling: Taking it to the Streets

Live and Online Taking it to the Streets with your host Christopher Naum will present another timely and insightful look at an emerging element of today’s evolving fire ground.     Join in on Wednesday April 20th at 9pm ET for a very special and exciting program discussing the concepts and theory of Survivability Profiling. […]