All Entries in the "Probability of Adverse Consequences" Category

Predictability and Performance Of Buildings and Today’s Fireground
When we look at various buildings and occupancies, past operations (good and bad) give us experience that defines and determines how we assess, react and expect similar structures and occupancies to perform at a given alarm. The “art and science of firefighting” is predicated on a fundamental understanding of how fire affects a building […]

Fire Dynamics Simulation of 2011 Baltimore County LODD- 30 Dowling Circle
The Baltimore County (MD) Fire Department published the Line of Duty Death Investgation Report of the 30 Dowling Circle Fire recently. The report was written by a Line of Duty Death Investigation Team comprised of departmental members, including representatives of the local firefighters’ union and the Baltimore County Volunteer Firemen’s Association. An overview and […]

Remembrance: FDNY and Buffalo(NY) Double LODD from Floor Collapse
Take the time to revisit two Firefighter LODD incidents that both occurred in the month of August in 2006 and 2009 respectively. Excerpts from the NIOSH Reports have been included that are part of the NIOSH FIRE FIGHTER FATALITY INVESTIGATION AND PREVENTION PROGRAM (HERE). Both of these incidents involved a double firefighter line-of-duty death (LODD) […]

National Firefighter Near-Miss Reporting System; Untapped Resource
Have you heard about the National Firefighter Near-Miss Reporting System (NMRS)? Have you used the NMRS Reports, or submitted a near miss event? Did you know there is a wealth of resources available on the NMRS web site or that there is a Report of the week that is published weekly? If not, this is […]

Abandoned Cold Storage Warehouse Multi-Firefighter Fatality Fire (Worcester, MA – December 1999)
Abandoned Cold Storage Warehouse Multi-Firefighter Fatality Fire (Worcester, MA – December 1999) USFA Technical Report Subject(s): Fire Prevention & Planning/Code Enforcement, Firefighter Casualties, Health and Safety, Incident Management Media: Technical Report Series Read Online/Download: Adobe Acrobat (PDF)/ Other Help PDF (1.0 Mb) Description: A technical review of the 1999 Worcester, MA fire that claimed six […]