All Entries in the "History Repeating Events-HRE" Category

Remembrance: FDNY and Buffalo(NY) Double LODD from Floor Collapse
Take the time to revisit two Firefighter LODD incidents that both occurred in the month of August in 2006 and 2009 respectively. Excerpts from the NIOSH Reports have been included that are part of the NIOSH FIRE FIGHTER FATALITY INVESTIGATION AND PREVENTION PROGRAM (HERE). Both of these incidents involved a double firefighter line-of-duty death (LODD) […]

Firefighters Trapped and Killed in Rescue Attempt Gloucester City, New Jersey Building Collapse 2002
Three Firefighters and Three Sisters Killed in Gloucester City, New Jersey Building Collapse during Fire Attack, Rescue Operation, July 4th, 2002 Gloucester City (NJ) Collapse 2002 On July 4th, 2002 at 0136 hrs.,The Gloucester City Fire Department was dispatched to 200 North Broadway for a reported house fire. Responding units were advised that occupants may […]

Remembering Hackensack and Gloucester
As we approach the July 4th holiday period, two significant LODD incidents previously occurred during this time frame that hold a number of lessons learned related to command management, operations, building construction principles and building performance, fire behavior and the ever present dangers of the job. Take the opportunity to learn more about these events, […]

Chesapeake (VA) Auto Parts Store Roof Collapse Double LODD 1996
OVERVIEW Fifteen years ago, on March 18, 1996, two firefighters were killed in Chesapeake, Virginia when they became trapped by a rapidly spreading fire in an auto parts store and a pre-engineered wood truss roof assembly collapsed on them. The cause of the fire was an electrical short created when a power company truck working […]

Charleston Sofa Super Store Fire; Final NIST Report Issued
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has released its final report on its study of the June 18, 2007, fire at the Sofa Super Store in Charleston, S.C., that trapped and killed nine firefighters, the highest number of firefighter deaths in a single event since 9/11. The final report was strengthened by […]

World Trade Center Bombing-1993 Remembered
At 18 minutes after noon on February 26, 1993, a huge bomb went off beneath the two towers of the World Trade Center. This was not a suicide attack. The terrorists parked a truck bomb with a timing device on Level B-2 of the underground garage, then departed. The ensuing explosion opened a hole seven […]

Worcester Cold Storage Warehouse Fire 1999
Friday December 3, 2010 marks the 11th anniversary of the Worcester Cold Storage Warehouse fire that resulted in the line of duty death of six courages brother firefighters. For those of you who remember this event, take the time to reflect and honor the sacrifice made this day; to those of you who have not […]