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First-Due Arriving Companies; Are You Prepared?

First-Due Arriving Companies; Are You Prepared?

As the First-Due Fire Company; Officer and crew, Are you prepared to address the fireground variables and occupancy risks upon your arrival and during the initial stages of your deployment and operations? Are you combat ready or passively engaged? It seems we’ve struck some interests over past week since we first discussed the First-Due Fire […]

Welcome to

Welcome to

  Executive Producer Christopher Naum Welcome to   The authoritative and informational site that provides leading insights on fire service issues related to Building Construction for the Fire Service, Emerging Firefighting Operations Theory and Command Risk Management for Operational Excellence and Firefighter Safety.   If you don’t fully understand how a building truly performs or reacts under […]

Worcester Cold Storage Warehouse Fire 1999

Worcester Cold Storage Warehouse Fire 1999

Friday December 3, 2010 marks the 11th anniversary of the Worcester Cold Storage Warehouse fire that resulted in the line of duty death of six courages brother firefighters. For those of you who remember this event, take the time to reflect and honor the sacrifice made this day; to those of you who have not […]