All Entries Tagged With: "Kyle Wilson LODD Report"

Prince William County (VA) Fire Rescue Kyle Wilson LODD 2007; Is This on Your Radar Screen?
Prince William County (VA) Fire Rescue Kyle Wilson LODD Report-Remembrance and Learnings The Prince William County (VA) Department of Fire and Rescue published a comprehensive line of duty death report for Technician I Kyle R. Wilson on Saturday, January 26, 2008. Have your read it? Technician I Wilson was the first line of duty […]

What’s On Your Radar Screen?
BuildingsonFire 2010; Building Construction, Command Risk Management and Operational Safety Major Influencing Fire Service Reports, Issues or Focus that should be on Your Radar Screen The following list is but a modest cross section of pertinent information or focus areas today’s Firefighter, Company or Command Officer MUST be knowledgeable in, have insights and proficiency […]