All Entries Tagged With: "Safety and Survival"

Baltimore County (MD) Firefighter Falkenhan Line of Duty Death Report Issued
Mark Gray Falkenhan had dedicated his life to serving others. He perished in the line of duty on January 19, 2011 while performing search and rescue operations at a multi-alarm apartment fire in Hillendale, Baltimore County (Maryland). He was 43 years old. On Wednesday, January 19, 2011, a fire occurred in an apartment building […]

188 Days of Opportunity to make a Difference: Surviving the Fire Ground
During this week, there were on average, over 8,600 structure fires in the United States. According to NFPA statistics the following occur on average in the U.S; A fire department responded to a fire every 23 seconds. One structure fire was reported every 66 seconds. One home structure fire was reported every 87 seconds One […]

Mayday and Rapid Intervention Realities: The Phoenix Perspective
This year’s Fire/EMS Safety, Health and Survival Week focused on Surviving the Fire Ground: Fire Fighter, Fire Officer and Command Preparedness. One of the major objectives of this year’s theme was addressing a variety of functional areas for the Mayday event. For many of you, the conditions, outcome and lessons learned from the Southwest Supermarket […]

Eleven Minutes to Mayday; What You Need to Know
The Colerain Township (OH) Fire and EMS Department under the leadership of Director and Chief G. Bruce Smith released its final report Investigation Analysis of the Squirrels nest Lane Firefighter Line of Duty Deaths related to the April 4, 2008 Double Line of Duty Death of a Captain and Firefighter in April 2010 coinciding with […]