All Entries Tagged With: "In the streets"

The Luongo’s Restaurant Fire and Collapse East Boston; Remembrance 1942-2018
The Luongo’s Restaurant Fire and Collapse 1942-2018; 76th Anniversary and Remembrance A multiple alarm fire and collapse 75 years ago resulting in six Boston Firefighter LODDs was overshadowed by the Coconut Grove Fire which occurred 13 days later. Here’s is the story and their legacy on this the 75th Anniversary. Honor, Reverence and Remembrance The […]

The Fireground; Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
The Fireground; Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow It will always still be about….. The Brotherhood Honor Courage Protection Fortitude Duty We have assumed that the routiness or successes of past operations and incident responses equates with predictability and diminished risk to our firefighting personnel Our current generation of buildings, construction and occupancies are not as predictable […]

Remembering Brackenridge 1991 Floor Collapse and LODD
Remembering Brackenridge, Pennsylvania December 20, 1991: Four Firefighters Killed, Trapped by Floor Collapse Four volunteer firefighters died when they were trapped by a partial floor collapse during a structure fire in Brackenridge, Pennsylvania, on the morning of December 20, 1991. All four were members of a mutual aid truck company that had responded to the […]

Buffalo Box 191 North Division & Grosvenor Streets; December 27, 1983
Buffalo Box 191 North Division & Grosvenor Streets; December 27, 1983 Buffalo Box 191 As Buffalo (NY) firefighters arrived at the scene of a reported propane leak in a three-story radiator warehouse (Type III Ordinary and Type IV Heavy Timber construction), a massive explosion occurred, killing five firefighters instantly and injuring nine others, three of […]

FDNY Brooklyn Box 4080: 17 Vandalia Avenue 12.18.1998
FDNY Brooklyn Box 4080: 17 Vandalia Avenue 12.18.1998 Take a moment to look back at an incident: On December 18, 1998, Three FDNY Firefighters died in-the line of duty while conducting suppression and rescue operations at fire on the tenth floor of 10-story high-rise apartment building for the elderly. At 0454 hours Brooklyn transmitted box 4080 […]

NFPA releases state-level fire service needs assessment for every U.S. state
NFPA releases state-level fire service needs assessment for every U.S. state. Findings based on Third Needs Assessment of the U.S. Fire Service with comparisons to earlier studies The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) released a fire service needs assessment for each state based on findings from the Third Needs Assessment of the U.S. Fire […]

Chicago Fire Fighters Battle 3 Alarm Apartment Fire on the City’s North Side
Chicago Firefighters battled an (3-11) extra-alarm blaze saturday afternoon in the Lakeview neighborhood on the City’s North Side. The extra alarm was called around 14:00 h0urs for a building on the 800 block of West Cornelia Avenue, bringing more than 100 CFD firefighters to the scene, according to preliminary information from Fire Media Affairs and […]

NIST to Conduct Technical Study on Impacts of Joplin, Mo., Tornado
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) today* said that it will conduct a full technical study on the impacts of the May 22, 2011, tornado that struck Joplin, Mo. The remains of what was once a home improvement store in Joplin, Mo., showing the destructive power of the tornado that struck the area […]

Building Construction Training for Fire Service Commanders, Company Officers and Firefighters
We’ve got an advance look at some of the new training and lecture offerings coming out this fall and for 2012 that will be offered commencing in October for the Buildingsonfire Series produced and offered by the Command Institute and Buildingsonfire -2012 Building Construction and Systems Training for Fire Service Commanders, Company Officers and […]

Remembrance: Waldbaum’s Supermarket Fire and Collapse FDNY 1978 – 2011
The Waldbaum’s Supermarket Fire and Collapse FDNY 1978 – 2011 The Waldbaum Super market fire, Brooklyn, New York occurred on August 2, 1978. Six firefighters died in the line of duty when the roof of a burning Brooklyn supermarket collapsed, plunging 12 firefighters into the flames. The fire began in a hallway near the compressor […]

Medical Office Building Multiple Alarm Fire Leds to Fire Captain LODD and Multiple Firefighter Injuries
John Ostendorff/John Ostendorff A multiple 4-alarm fire took command of a medical office suite located in a five story non-sprinklered Medical Center Office Building in the City of Asheville, North Carolina on Thursday July 28, 2011. The mid-day fire was reported on the fifth floor at 445 Biltmore Center medical offices and was found extending […]

National Firefighter Near-Miss Reporting System; Untapped Resource
Have you heard about the National Firefighter Near-Miss Reporting System (NMRS)? Have you used the NMRS Reports, or submitted a near miss event? Did you know there is a wealth of resources available on the NMRS web site or that there is a Report of the week that is published weekly? If not, this is […]

188 Days of Opportunity to make a Difference: Surviving the Fire Ground
During this week, there were on average, over 8,600 structure fires in the United States. According to NFPA statistics the following occur on average in the U.S; A fire department responded to a fire every 23 seconds. One structure fire was reported every 66 seconds. One home structure fire was reported every 87 seconds One […]

Mayday and Rapid Intervention Realities: The Phoenix Perspective
This year’s Fire/EMS Safety, Health and Survival Week focused on Surviving the Fire Ground: Fire Fighter, Fire Officer and Command Preparedness. One of the major objectives of this year’s theme was addressing a variety of functional areas for the Mayday event. For many of you, the conditions, outcome and lessons learned from the Southwest Supermarket […]

Fire/EMS Safety, Health and Survival Week 2011, Day Seven; Fire Fighter, Fire Officer and Command Training and Preparedness
Preparing for the Mayday Event; Not a matter of IF, But a Question of When… Are you ready? Are you Prepared? As the official Fire/EMS Safety Week 2011 begins to wind down, in many stations around the country this weekend is dedicated to training, drills and evolutions dedicated toward the many facets and functional elements […]