All Entries Tagged With: "Taxpayer"

Remembrance: FDNY and Buffalo(NY) Double LODD from Floor Collapse
Take the time to revisit two Firefighter LODD incidents that both occurred in the month of August in 2006 and 2009 respectively. Excerpts from the NIOSH Reports have been included that are part of the NIOSH FIRE FIGHTER FATALITY INVESTIGATION AND PREVENTION PROGRAM (HERE). Both of these incidents involved a double firefighter line-of-duty death (LODD) […]

NIOSH LODD Report Released on Fire and Collapse Which Killed Two Chicago Firefighters
NIOSH LODD Report Released on Fire and Collapse Which Killed Two Chicago Firefighters F2010-38 Two Career Fire Fighters Die and 19 Injured in Roof Collapse during Rubbish Fire at an Abandoned Commercial Structure – Illinois NIOSH Executive Summary On December 22, 2010, a 47-year-old male (Victim # 1) and a 34-year old male […]

Double Mayday Deployments at Three Alarm FDNY Fire
2 Firefighters Escape Close Call in Belle Harbor: Published reports from various NYC eMedia outlets indicated that two FDNY firefighters battling a three-alarm fire on Saturday April 9th in the Rockaways section of the Borough of Queens (NY) transmitted Maydays signals during fire suppression operations after a fire officer was partially trapped in a […]

Taxpayer Fire and Collapse with Mayday in Leslie, Michigan Injures Ten Firefighers
Ten firefighters were among 11 people injured during a blaze that caused part of a building’s roof to collapse in the mid-Michigan community of Leslie. Leslie is about 20 miles southeast of Lansing, Michigan. The fire was reported just before 7 a.m. Saturday at Moo’s Bar & Grille in downtown Leslie, but a “mayday” alert […]

VES:Flashover, Bailout and Close-call
N.J. Firefighter bailout from Second-Story Window as a result of room fashover An Asbury Park (NJ) firefighter was seriously burned while fighting an apartment fire in the seaside community. 41-year-old firefighter Jason Fazio was in listed in critical condition at St. Barnabas Burn Center in Livingston following Monday’s afternoon fire. Officials indicated that Firefighter Fazio was […]

Lessons Learned from Structure Collapse Close Call in SC
Five firefighters were on the second story of a house when the floor tilted, causing three firefighters to fall On June 23, 2010 Engine 109 was dispatched for a single engine response to the area of 398 Huger Street for a report of smoke in the area. Upon arrival at 0949 hours Engine 109 found […]