All Entries Tagged With: "Videos" Video Promo for 2012
Check out our training lectures and seminars offerings for 2012 HERE Download the NEW 2012 Buildingsonfire PDF Listing: 2012 Training Brochure Building Construction and Systems Training for Commanders, Company Officers and Firefighers

Multiple Alarm Operations with Wind Driven Fire
The five alarm fire that ran through a seven story multiple occupancy (MO) apartment building in the Flatbush Section in the Borough of Brooklyn (NYC) this weekend considerably challenged operating companies of the FDNY as the fire was fueled and spread in rapid success due to significant wind conditions compounded by news reports that a […]

Loudoun County (VA) Fire and Rescue House Fire
Residential House Fire in Broadlands community of Loudoun County, Virginia Loudoun fire and rescue units were on the scene of a fire in Broadlands on Thornblade Circle on the afternoon of February 18, 2011. Dispatchers received the call at 4:17 p.m. and responding units arrived to a working fire. “They reported heavy fire,” said Craig Simpson, […]

NIST Wind Driven Fire Simulation Video
NIST Wind Driven Fire Simulation Video Wind Driven Fires Smoke and heat spreading through the corridors and the stairs of a building during a fire can limit building occupants’ ability to escape and can limit fire fighters’ ability to rescue them. Changes in the building’s ventilation or presence of an external wind can increase the […]

Gas Explosion Rocks Philadelphia (PA) Neighborhood
Raw Video: Tacony Gas Main Explosion: An explosion and fire, captured on video by a TV crew, killed a gas company worker in the Tacony area of Philadelphia last night and injured five others including a Philadelphia firefighter. It occurred while crews were trying to repair a break to a high-pressure gas main. WCAU-TV […]

Impact of Ventilation on Fire Behavior in Legacy and Contemporary Residential Construction
Impact of Ventilation on Fire Behavior in Legacy and Contemporary Residential Construction Impact of Ventilation on Fire Behavior in Legacy and Contemporary Residential Construction Under the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Assistance to Firefighter Grant Program, Underwriters Laboratories examined fire service ventilation practices as well as the impact of changes in modern house […]

Newark (NJ) Multiple Alarm Fire with Rescues
Daring rescues by Newark (NJ) firefighters saved the lives of more than two dozen people overnight in Newark, New Jersey. A fire broke out at around 11:30 p.m. on Sunday inside the Happy Garden Chinese Restaurant at 77 Lincoln Park, according to fire officials. The restaurant was closed at the time, according to several residents […]

Underwriters Laboratories Structural Stability of Engineered Lumber in Fire Conditions CBT
Structural stability of engineered lumber in fire conditions This online firefighter training course is the result of a research partnership among UL, the Chicago Fire Department, IAFC, and Michigan State University, funded in part by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. This self-guided course, which focuses on the structural stability of engineered lumber under fire […]