Author Archive for Christopher J. Naum, SFPE

The Buildingsonfire Symposium on Building Construction and Fireground Operations
The Buildingsonfire Symposium on Building Construction and Fireground Operations An Online Live Webinar Symposium for Today’s Demanding Fireground February 19-20-21, 2021 NEW DATES, Updated Registration and FD Group Rates Lectures | Research | Conversation | Learnings | National Faculty An Online Symposium, spanning Two plus Days Dedicated entirely to Building Construction and Operational Issues for […]

A Fire Officer’s Guide for Today’s Buildings on Fire On-Line Short Version Webinar Program
A Fire Officer’s Guide for Today’s Buildings on Fire On-Line Short Version Webinar Program Building Sciences, Construction Technology & Fire Operations Series Today’s fireground, buildings and occupancies present increasing challenges that have redefined strategic and tactical fireground operations and impact these operations on a wide variety of levels that often include adverse compartment fire conditions, […]

BuildingsonFire Webinars Comprehensive On-line Webinar Lectures Integrating Leading Insights, Best Practices, Human Performance and Operational Perspectives for Today’s Demanding Fireground Learnings for All Ranks & Organizations Lectures |Research |Conversation |Learnings Rolling out and Hitting the Streets April 4, 2020 Special Guests, Mini Symposiums, A View from the Streets and more…

Building Construction Literacy
1,000 Foot Observation; There appears to be a trending Continued lack of Building Construction technical accuracy, misinformation, ignorance, recycling miss-interpreted anecdotal information programmed into new personnel, baseless or miss-informed fear-mongering permeates many online comments and threads exhibiting how little many Fire Officers, Commanders and Firefighters (who will eventually become Fire Officers) actually know about Building Construction […]

Structure Collapse at 140-Year Old Mill Building Kills 2 Career Fire Fighters and Injures 2 Others – Pennsylvania
Death in the Line of Duty…A summary of a NIOSH fire fighter fatality investigation F2018-06 Date Released: May 22, 2019 On March 22, 2018, two male career fire fighters, ages 50 and 29, died following a structure collapse while working to extinguish hot spots following a structure fire in a 140-year old mill building. The […]

Buildings on Fire Risk Assessment Matrix
Buildings on Fire Risk Assessment Matrix Building Occupancy Risk Profiling Reading the Building The importance of understanding a building’s anatomy, its occupancy risk and compartment profile are integral to efficient and effective firefighting operations within buildings on fire and are essential for all phases of fire suppression and operational engagements. Fundamental to these operations is […]

Parapet Walls – Firefighter Killers
Parapet Walls – Firefighter Killers Jason Poremba Firefighters are faced with many dangers when on the job. If we study past fatal firefighter incidents, history will tell us parapet walls are proven killers during fireground operations. A few basic concepts can protect firefighters from future parapet-related fatalities. Most importantly, fire departments should establish and […]

Simply SIPs
On the surface, a structural insulated panel (SIP) looks quite humble, resembling little more than an oversized ice cream sandwich. However, the engineered building product—which comprises little more than an insulating foam core adhered to two structural facers—can be the key for any architect looking to build a high-performance project on a tight schedule. And, […]

Structural Collapse Insights and Aides from NIST
In case you missed these are or are first to see these now, informative information on Structural Collapse previously issued by NIST. This supplements the continuing research and effort by UL, NIST and numerous other academic and research institutions. From Structural Collapse Fire Tests: Single Story, Wood Frame Structures A series […]

Expanding Use of Plastic Insulation
Foam Sheathing Makers Gain Major Success at ICC Code Hearing By Approval of Proposal Expanding Use of Plastic Insulation The Foam Sheathing Committee (FSC) of the American Chemistry Council (ACC), through an industry effort, achieved an important change in gaining broad acceptance of a performance-based standard for the use of foam insulation products in all code […]

The Luongo’s Restaurant Fire and Collapse East Boston; Remembrance 1942-2018
The Luongo’s Restaurant Fire and Collapse 1942-2018; 76th Anniversary and Remembrance A multiple alarm fire and collapse 75 years ago resulting in six Boston Firefighter LODDs was overshadowed by the Coconut Grove Fire which occurred 13 days later. Here’s is the story and their legacy on this the 75th Anniversary. Honor, Reverence and Remembrance The […]

Predictability and Performance Of Buildings and Today’s Fireground
When we look at various buildings and occupancies, past operations (good and bad) give us experience that defines and determines how we assess, react and expect similar structures and occupancies to perform at a given alarm. The “art and science of firefighting” is predicated on a fundamental understanding of how fire affects a building […]

NIOSH LODD REPORT: Career Lieutenant and Fire Fighter Killed and Two Fire Fighters Injured by Wall Collapse at a Large Commercial Structure Fire – Pennsylvania
F2012-13 NIOSH LODD REPORT: Career Lieutenant and Fire Fighter Killed and Two Fire Fighters Injured by Wall Collapse at a Large Commercial Structure Fire – Pennsylvania FIRE FIGHTER FATALITY INVESTIGATION AND PREVENTION PROGRAM Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation Reports Anatomy of a Collapse: Building Construction and Collapse Safety Considerations for NIOSH Report F2012-13 (documents, PDF and […]

Near-Miss, with RIT Deployment at Structural Collapse: Canada
A rapid and fast moving early morning fire in downtown Trenton, Ontario Canada resulted in the subsequent collapse of a three story mixed use commerical and apartment occupancy structure. Published media reports indicated the building was over 130 years of age and was in operation as an adult entertainment establishment on the lower level with […]