All Entries in the "Featured" Category

Buffalo Box 191 North Division & Grosvenor Streets; December 27, 1983
Buffalo Box 191 North Division & Grosvenor Streets; December 27, 1983 Buffalo Box 191 As Buffalo (NY) firefighters arrived at the scene of a reported propane leak in a three-story radiator warehouse (Type III Ordinary and Type IV Heavy Timber construction), a massive explosion occurred, killing five firefighters instantly and injuring nine others, three of […]

FDNY Brooklyn Box 4080: 17 Vandalia Avenue 12.18.1998
FDNY Brooklyn Box 4080: 17 Vandalia Avenue 12.18.1998 Take a moment to look back at an incident: On December 18, 1998, Three FDNY Firefighters died in-the line of duty while conducting suppression and rescue operations at fire on the tenth floor of 10-story high-rise apartment building for the elderly. At 0454 hours Brooklyn transmitted box 4080 […]

Chicago Fire Department: Everyone Goes Home (official version)
The Chicago Fire Department: Everyone Goes Home NFFF News Release: In an effort to make personal safety a top priority, the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) and the Chicago Fire Department (CFD) today released a new video, Chicago Fire Department – Everyone Goes Home®. Members of the CFD and families of fallen firefighters share their […]

The Same Mistakes: Newspaper Reports Common Issues Affecting Fire Operations
Four years after nine firefighters died battling Sofa Super Store fire, a report details an eerily similar set of breakdowns in a March blaze. Firefighters rush into a burning commercial building with too-small hoses and insufficient water. The commander can’t reach them because the captain forgot his radio. Backup crews aren’t sure where to go […]

USFA Releases 2010 Fire Estimate Summary Series
U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) issued the 2010 Fire Estimate Summary Series which presents basic information on the size and status of the fire problem in the United States as depicted through data collected in USFA’s National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS). The data summary series was developed by USFA’s National Fire Data Center and is […]

Remembrance: Worcester Cold Storage Warehouse Fire and the Worcester Six
Today December 3, 2011 marks the 12th anniversary of the Worcester Cold Storage Warehouse fire that resulted in the line of duty death of six courages brother firefighters. For those of you who remember this event, take the time to reflect and honor the sacrifice made this day; to those of you who have not […]

Research Agenda Symposium Report Issued
A new report identifies seven critical areas where more research is needed to further reduce the number of firefighters killed or injured in the line of duty. These priorities were developed during the Second National Fire Service Research Agenda Symposium sponsored by the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF). Download the 2011 Report: May 20 – […]

Reported Structure Fire with Trapped Occupants: Are YOU Combat Ready?
Just another day… On any given day, at any given time in the streets, buildings and occupancies that comprise the fabric of our communities and ultimately our response district and first-due areas; the citizens we protect go about their daily lives and activities as we go about ours. On any given day, at any given […]

Commericals- Got Fire; Anticipate Collapse
Got Fire?……Anticipate Collapse.. A recent video clip making its way around the cyber fireground clearly depicted a very close-call and resulting near miss event to four firefighters at a four alarm fire involving a commercial building that housed an established insulation manufacturer and installation contractor. The video shows within a very compressed time frame, the […]

Fire Modeling Software from NIST
Fire Modeling Software These fire simulation programs were developed or sponsored by the Fire Research Division at the NIST. The list of programs is divided into two broad categories below: currently-supported software and archival (unsupported) software. In order to get further information or to obtain one of the programs, click on the appropriate name. […]

Three Alarm Fire: Apartment Complex under Construction ignites
A three-story apartment building that was under construction caught fire on October 27, 2011 in the early evening in Carson, California (LA County). The rapidly advancing fire quickly ran through an apartment building under construction and spread to a nearby mobile home park damaging at least 10 homes and forcing evacuations, according to published reports. There were […]

The Argument for European, North American Unification
While doing some research on UK and US Strategic Leadership and Operational issues, I came across an article published on FireChief .com on April 28, 2011 and written by By Glenn Bischoff titled: The Argument for European, North American Unification. After reading through the piece, I thought this had some interesting connotations worthy of reposting […]

FDNY: The 23 Street Collapse October 17,1966 Box 55 598
On October 17th 1966, Manhattan Box 598 was struck at 21:36 hours for the report of a building fire at 7 East 22nd Street, an art dealer in a four story brownstone. On arrival, the heat and smoke was so intense companies could not make entry through the art dealer, and so attempted to make […]

National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend 2011
Help Spread the Word: Bells Across America Will Ring to Honor Fallen Firefighters Make sure your website or blog is providing live coverage of 2011 Memorial Weekend Information From the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation 2011 Memorial Weekend Website (Direct Links HERE and HERE) Please visit the web site directly for more information on the programs […]

Fireground Dynamics: Smoke Explosion during Interior Operations
Three Franklin (OH) firefighters were caught in what has been determined to be a smoke explosion at a structure fire involving a restaurant occupancy in what appears to be a building of Type III construction that published reports indicated was built in 1892. Franklin (OH) FD Lt. Kyle Lovelace and firefighters Quincy Pearson and […]