All Entries Tagged With: "Fireground Operations"

The New Rules of Combat Fire Engagement: Random Thoughts
The New Rules of Combat Fire Engagement: How do You Measure Your Effectiveness on the Fireground? What are Your Rules of Engagement Based upon? Are Your Operations SOP Driven? Are they Aggressive or Measured? What is Employed in your Size-up? How is Risk Assessed, Monitored, Adjusted? Do Company Officers Manage Tactical Objectives? Is Tactical Entertainment […]

Mayday and Rapid Intervention Realities: The Phoenix Perspective
This year’s Fire/EMS Safety, Health and Survival Week focused on Surviving the Fire Ground: Fire Fighter, Fire Officer and Command Preparedness. One of the major objectives of this year’s theme was addressing a variety of functional areas for the Mayday event. For many of you, the conditions, outcome and lessons learned from the Southwest Supermarket […]

Fire/EMS Safety, Health and Survival Week 2011, Day Seven; Fire Fighter, Fire Officer and Command Training and Preparedness
Preparing for the Mayday Event; Not a matter of IF, But a Question of When… Are you ready? Are you Prepared? As the official Fire/EMS Safety Week 2011 begins to wind down, in many stations around the country this weekend is dedicated to training, drills and evolutions dedicated toward the many facets and functional elements […]

Fire/EMS Safety, Health and Survival Week 2011, Day Six; From Waldbaum’s to Hackensack-Worcester to Charleston; Legacies for Operational Safety
For those of you that follow or have attended one of my many seminar and lecture program offerings, one program seems very pertinent in both context and content on this, the Sixth Day of Fire/EMS Safety Week 2011 that resonates around the theme and focus of Surviving the Fire Ground – Fire Fighter, Fire Officer […]

Fire/EMS Safety, Health and Survival Week 2011: Day Five: Near-Misses, Maydays and Floor Collapses
During the last quater of 2010 and leading well into the second quarter of 2011 there has been a significant emerging trend developing in basement fires, compromised floor systems and assemblies leading to collapse and numerous near-miss events, close calls and unfortunatly, line of duty deaths during fire operations. If you’ve been paying attention to […]

Fire/EMS Safety, Health and Survival Week: Day Two- Building Knowledge = Fire Fighter Safety
Know Your World Other Considerations in Program Planning for Safety Week; Other considerations to support the theme, objectives and initiatives of Safety Week include wide latitude of activities and interactive actions that can achieve the goals for increasing awareness and providing dialog, interaction, training while encouraging discussion and interchange. These functional area topics […]

2011 Focus: Surviving the Fire Ground – Fire Fighter, Fire Officer & Command Preparedness
Fire/EMS Safety, Health and Survival Week June 19-25, 2011 Theme: Surviving the Fire Ground – Fire Fighter, Fire Officer & Command Preparedness Fire Fighter Survival 2011 Focus: Surviving the Fire Ground – Fire Fighter, Fire Officer & Command Preparedness Planning and Resource Aide for Training Deliveries to support Safety Week 2011 from the IAFC 2011 […]

Structural Collapse: The Hidden Dangers of Residential Fires
Structural Collapse: The Hidden Dangers of Residential Fires Oct 1, 2009 Originally Published in, All Rights Reserved By James M. Dalton, Robert G. Backstrom, and Steve Kerber Educational Objectives 1 Gain an understanding of the behavioral differences between solid wood joist and lightweight wood structural members under fire attack. 2 Gain an understanding of […]

Abandoned Cold Storage Warehouse Multi-Firefighter Fatality Fire (Worcester, MA – December 1999)
Abandoned Cold Storage Warehouse Multi-Firefighter Fatality Fire (Worcester, MA – December 1999) USFA Technical Report Subject(s): Fire Prevention & Planning/Code Enforcement, Firefighter Casualties, Health and Safety, Incident Management Media: Technical Report Series Read Online/Download: Adobe Acrobat (PDF)/ Other Help PDF (1.0 Mb) Description: A technical review of the 1999 Worcester, MA fire that claimed six […]

Double Chicago Firefighters LODD, 17 hurt during 3-11 alarm blaze and Building Collapse
From emerging published reports, Two Chicago firefighters died after a wall collapsed during a 3-11 alarm fire at an abandoned South Side commercial building this morning, authorities said. Fourteen other firefighters were injured, including two who were trapped with the ones who died. Police squad cars escorted two ambulances north on Lake Shore Drive to […]

Occupancy Risk versus Occupancy Type
Today’s incident demands on the fireground are unlike those of the recent past, requiring incident commanders and commanding officers to have increased technical knowledge of building construction with a heightened sensitivity to fire behavior, a focus on operational structural stability and considerations related to occupancy risk versus the occupancy type. There is an immediate need […]

First-Due Arriving Companies; Are You Prepared?
As the First-Due Fire Company; Officer and crew, Are you prepared to address the fireground variables and occupancy risks upon your arrival and during the initial stages of your deployment and operations? Are you combat ready or passively engaged? It seems we’ve struck some interests over past week since we first discussed the First-Due Fire […]