All Entries Tagged With: "residential"

San Francisco FD Berkeley Way Double LODD Report Issued: Routine Fire….
The Chief of the Department directed the Department Safety Officer to conduct a Safety Investigation of this incident. The primary purpose of the investigation was to identify and analyze the contributing factors that led to the incident as well as to create situational awareness to prevent future occurrences. The main objective of the […]

Reported Structure Fire with Trapped Occupants: Are YOU Combat Ready?
Just another day… On any given day, at any given time in the streets, buildings and occupancies that comprise the fabric of our communities and ultimately our response district and first-due areas; the citizens we protect go about their daily lives and activities as we go about ours. On any given day, at any given […]

Wind Driven Mansion Fire
A million dollar Baltimore County, Maryland home was destroyed Sunday December 13, 2009 by a fire that tore through the 4,700-square-foot structure with such intensity that firefighters were forced to battle the flames from the exterior. Shortly after 21:00 hours, Baltimore County Fire Dispatch alerted crews for Fire Box 50-2 at 12607 Nancy Lee Court in […]

Engineered Structural Systems- Hazards
CNN recently presented an informative piece on the continuing trends in the design and use of engineered structural systems (ESS) . CNN correspondant Gerri Willis provides an informative and insightful look at something the fire service knows all too well. Here’s some additional information for you; According to the Wood Truss Council of America (WTCA), […]

Chicago Fire Fighters Battle 3 Alarm Apartment Fire on the City’s North Side
Chicago Firefighters battled an (3-11) extra-alarm blaze saturday afternoon in the Lakeview neighborhood on the City’s North Side. The extra alarm was called around 14:00 h0urs for a building on the 800 block of West Cornelia Avenue, bringing more than 100 CFD firefighters to the scene, according to preliminary information from Fire Media Affairs and […]

Chicago Attic Fire: Firefighter Maydays, Four Injured
Four Chicago firefighters have been injured while battling a fire in the city’s West Englewood neighborhood Thursday night according to news media outlets. The fire was located within a 1-1/2 story wood frame residential occupancy in which fire suppression operations were underway. Fire companies operating within the attic area with attack lines operating, experienced rapidly […]

2nd San Francisco Firefighter Dies After Diamond Heights Fire
It’s being reported that San Francisco Fire Fighter Anthony Valerio passed away this morning as a result of injuries sustained while operating the Diamond Heights fire on Thursday June 2nd. This becomes the second line of duty death from this incident that also resulted in the LODD of Lt. Vincent Perez. Anthony “Tony” Valerio, a […]

San Francisco FD: The Diamond Heights Fire Updates
Updates from San Francisco; From KCBS: New Photos; From KTVU; Injured Firefighter Remains In Critical Condition SAN FRANCISCO: Raw Interview With Injured Firefighter’s Brother On Family’s Vigil SLIDESHOW: Images From Fatal Diamond Heights Blaze SAN FRANCISCO: Emergency Call Audio Reveals Desperate Attempts To Save Injured Firefighters One Firefighter Dies, Another Struggles […]

Stairway Collapse and Mayday in Chicagoland
A fire in single family residential occupancy in Chicago’s West Humboldt Park section on May 29th produced these dramatic occurrences: Serious injury to a woman and her grandchild, a firefighter being trapped, and good Samaritans lending a hand. About 12:30 a.m., Chicago fire officials and police responded to a fire in a one-and-a-half story single […]

Compromised Floor Assembly Traps (CT) Firefighters
A Taftville (CT) Firefigher was caught in a compromised floor condition while fighting a fire in a residential occupancy on Friday morning April 15th in Norwich, CT., resulting in a mayday and RIT deloyment to support the extrication and firefighter removal from the interior. Published reports from indicated a fire fighter issued a mayday […]

Prince William County (VA) Fire Rescue Kyle Wilson LODD 2007; Is This on Your Radar Screen?
Prince William County (VA) Fire Rescue Kyle Wilson LODD Report-Remembrance and Learnings The Prince William County (VA) Department of Fire and Rescue published a comprehensive line of duty death report for Technician I Kyle R. Wilson on Saturday, January 26, 2008. Have your read it? Technician I Wilson was the first line of duty […]

First-Due Residential Fire
Video Clip provided by PGFD Captain Greg Zalenski, Station 812 -College Park (MD)VFD. An mid morning fire in a Single family (SFR) residential structure challenged arriving companies as they went into operations. A video clip depicting the responding fire chief enroute and arrival provides a good sequence of the events, fire severity and growth. The […]

Roof and Ceiling Collapses
There have been two fire ground collapse events this week; the first in Gary Indiana on April 5th, the other in Washington DC on April 8th that resulted in a total of eight firefighters being injured. The collapse conditions presented themselves during the course of operations in which suppression or search and rescue operations were […]

Eleven Minutes to Mayday; What You Need to Know
The Colerain Township (OH) Fire and EMS Department under the leadership of Director and Chief G. Bruce Smith released its final report Investigation Analysis of the Squirrels nest Lane Firefighter Line of Duty Deaths related to the April 4, 2008 Double Line of Duty Death of a Captain and Firefighter in April 2010 coinciding with […]

Heavy Fire in 10,000 Square Foot Huntingtown (MD) Mega Mansion Injuring 9 Firefighters
At 2356 hours on Saturday March 19, 2011, the Huntingtown Volunteer Fire Department was alerted for the reported Chimney Fire at 3380 Soper Road in Huntingtown. While en-route, firefighters received information that the owner was trying to extinguish the fire and believed it had spread to the attic. Units alerted were: Chief 6A (Montgomery), Chief […]