Ceiling Collapse Injures Three Gary, Indiana Firefighters
By Christopher J. Naum, SFPE on Apr 08, 2011 with Comments 0
Three Gary (IN) firefighters were injured when the third floor ceiling of a burning building collapsed on Tuesday April 5th during search and rescue operations. According to published reports their injuries weren’t believed to be life-threatening, but they were taken to a hospital.
Battalion Chief Robert Groszewski stated about 20 firefighters responded to the fire at the site of the former Campbell Friendship House. He says no one was at home when the fire began.
Groszewski says the fire may have begun in a third-floor stairwell.
Other related links;
- WLS: Three Firefighters Injured in Gary Fire
- Chicago Sun-Times: Three Gary Firefighters Injured in Blaze
- Chicago Sun-Times Gallery: Gary Firefighters Injured
- NWI.com: Three Firefighters Injured Battling Blaze

A ceiling collapse during a fire at a three-story building in Gary, Ind., injured three Gary firefighters Tuesday afternoon. (Credit: Gary Post-Tribune)
Filed Under: In the Streets • The Collapse Zone