All Entries Tagged With: "operations"

San Francisco FD Berkeley Way Double LODD Report Issued: Routine Fire….
The Chief of the Department directed the Department Safety Officer to conduct a Safety Investigation of this incident. The primary purpose of the investigation was to identify and analyze the contributing factors that led to the incident as well as to create situational awareness to prevent future occurrences. The main objective of the […]

The Same Mistakes: Newspaper Reports Common Issues Affecting Fire Operations
Four years after nine firefighters died battling Sofa Super Store fire, a report details an eerily similar set of breakdowns in a March blaze. Firefighters rush into a burning commercial building with too-small hoses and insufficient water. The commander can’t reach them because the captain forgot his radio. Backup crews aren’t sure where to go […]

Wind Driven Mansion Fire
A million dollar Baltimore County, Maryland home was destroyed Sunday December 13, 2009 by a fire that tore through the 4,700-square-foot structure with such intensity that firefighters were forced to battle the flames from the exterior. Shortly after 21:00 hours, Baltimore County Fire Dispatch alerted crews for Fire Box 50-2 at 12607 Nancy Lee Court in […]

Remembering Hackensack and Gloucester
As we approach the July 4th holiday period, two significant LODD incidents previously occurred during this time frame that hold a number of lessons learned related to command management, operations, building construction principles and building performance, fire behavior and the ever present dangers of the job. Take the opportunity to learn more about these events, […]

Fire/EMS Safety, Health and Survival Week 2011: Day Five: Near-Misses, Maydays and Floor Collapses
During the last quater of 2010 and leading well into the second quarter of 2011 there has been a significant emerging trend developing in basement fires, compromised floor systems and assemblies leading to collapse and numerous near-miss events, close calls and unfortunatly, line of duty deaths during fire operations. If you’ve been paying attention to […]

2nd San Francisco Firefighter Dies After Diamond Heights Fire
It’s being reported that San Francisco Fire Fighter Anthony Valerio passed away this morning as a result of injuries sustained while operating the Diamond Heights fire on Thursday June 2nd. This becomes the second line of duty death from this incident that also resulted in the LODD of Lt. Vincent Perez. Anthony “Tony” Valerio, a […]

San Francisco FD Flashover LODD, two others injured
San Francisco (CA) Fire Department Lt. Vincent Perez, 48, died in the line of duty during fire suppression operations trying to extinguish a fire at a four-story residential occupancy in the Diamond Heights section of San Francisco. FF Anthony Valerio, 53, is reported in critical condition at San Francisco General Hospital’s intensive care unit with […]

San Francisco FD: The Diamond Heights Fire Updates
Updates from San Francisco; From KCBS: New Photos; From KTVU; Injured Firefighter Remains In Critical Condition SAN FRANCISCO: Raw Interview With Injured Firefighter’s Brother On Family’s Vigil SLIDESHOW: Images From Fatal Diamond Heights Blaze SAN FRANCISCO: Emergency Call Audio Reveals Desperate Attempts To Save Injured Firefighters One Firefighter Dies, Another Struggles […]

Firefighter Mark G. Falkenhan, Lutherville VFC, Baltimore County, Maryland LODD
Fire Community Mourns Loss of Firefighter Who Died In Four-Alarm Blaze Towson, Md. (January 20, 2011) — The Baltimore County fire community today mourns the loss of Mark G. Falkenhan, the Lutherville volunteer firefighter who died in last night’s four-alarm blaze at a Hillendale apartment complex. In addition to his affiliation with Lutherville VFC, Falkenhan, […]

Wind Driven Fires
A million dollar Baltimore County, Maryland home was destroyed Sunday December 13, 2009 by a fire that tore through the 4,700-square-foot structure with such intensity that firefighters were forced to battle the flames from the exterior. Shortly after 21:00 hours, Baltimore County Fire Dispatch alerted crews for Fire Box 50-2 at 12607 Nancy Lee Court […]