All Entries Tagged With: "Fire"

Baltimore County (MD) Firefighter Falkenhan Line of Duty Death Report Issued
Mark Gray Falkenhan had dedicated his life to serving others. He perished in the line of duty on January 19, 2011 while performing search and rescue operations at a multi-alarm apartment fire in Hillendale, Baltimore County (Maryland). He was 43 years old. On Wednesday, January 19, 2011, a fire occurred in an apartment building […]

Fire Dynamics Simulation of 2011 Baltimore County LODD- 30 Dowling Circle
The Baltimore County (MD) Fire Department published the Line of Duty Death Investgation Report of the 30 Dowling Circle Fire recently. The report was written by a Line of Duty Death Investigation Team comprised of departmental members, including representatives of the local firefighters’ union and the Baltimore County Volunteer Firemen’s Association. An overview and […]

Three Alarm Fire: Apartment Complex under Construction ignites
A three-story apartment building that was under construction caught fire on October 27, 2011 in the early evening in Carson, California (LA County). The rapidly advancing fire quickly ran through an apartment building under construction and spread to a nearby mobile home park damaging at least 10 homes and forcing evacuations, according to published reports. There were […]

Chicago Attic Fire: Firefighter Maydays, Four Injured
Four Chicago firefighters have been injured while battling a fire in the city’s West Englewood neighborhood Thursday night according to news media outlets. The fire was located within a 1-1/2 story wood frame residential occupancy in which fire suppression operations were underway. Fire companies operating within the attic area with attack lines operating, experienced rapidly […]

The New Fire Ground and the First-Due
The most recent production of Taking it the Streets was on-line live this past Wednesday August 17th where another special program continued our series discussion on the Emerging Tactical Renaissance in the Fire Service. Taking it to the StreetsTM, radio program hosted by highly regarded national instructor, author, lecturer and fire officer Christopher Naum, continues to provide […]

2nd San Francisco Firefighter Dies After Diamond Heights Fire
It’s being reported that San Francisco Fire Fighter Anthony Valerio passed away this morning as a result of injuries sustained while operating the Diamond Heights fire on Thursday June 2nd. This becomes the second line of duty death from this incident that also resulted in the LODD of Lt. Vincent Perez. Anthony “Tony” Valerio, a […]

San Francisco FD: The Diamond Heights Fire Updates
Updates from San Francisco; From KCBS: New Photos; From KTVU; Injured Firefighter Remains In Critical Condition SAN FRANCISCO: Raw Interview With Injured Firefighter’s Brother On Family’s Vigil SLIDESHOW: Images From Fatal Diamond Heights Blaze SAN FRANCISCO: Emergency Call Audio Reveals Desperate Attempts To Save Injured Firefighters One Firefighter Dies, Another Struggles […]

Survivability Profiling: Taking it to the Streets
Live and Online Taking it to the Streets with your host Christopher Naum will present another timely and insightful look at an emerging element of today’s evolving fire ground. Join in on Wednesday April 20th at 9pm ET for a very special and exciting program discussing the concepts and theory of Survivability Profiling. […]

Compromised Floor Assembly Traps (CT) Firefighters
A Taftville (CT) Firefigher was caught in a compromised floor condition while fighting a fire in a residential occupancy on Friday morning April 15th in Norwich, CT., resulting in a mayday and RIT deloyment to support the extrication and firefighter removal from the interior. Published reports from indicated a fire fighter issued a mayday […]

Prince William County (VA) Fire Rescue Kyle Wilson LODD 2007; Is This on Your Radar Screen?
Prince William County (VA) Fire Rescue Kyle Wilson LODD Report-Remembrance and Learnings The Prince William County (VA) Department of Fire and Rescue published a comprehensive line of duty death report for Technician I Kyle R. Wilson on Saturday, January 26, 2008. Have your read it? Technician I Wilson was the first line of duty […]

Survivability Profiling: How Long Can Victims Survive in a Fire?
Survivability Profiling: How Long Can Victims Survive in a Fire? BY STEPHEN MARSAR July 1, 2010 In 2007, the United States suffered 118 firefighter line-of-duty-deaths (LODDs), 47 of which occurred in structure fires; two civilians were killed in those same fires. In 2008, there were 114 LODDs; 31 occurred in structural fires; three […]

Residential Home from LAFD’s LODD died is now a crime scene
The LAPD made it clear yesterday that arson has been ruled out in the fire last week that killed Firefighter Glenn Allen. But the circumstances surrounding the death of the 61-year-old Los Angeles firefighter’s death are still a part of an investigation that involves homicide detectives. The home is considered a crime scene with police on the […]

RIT Team Rescues Two Pa. Firefighters Trapped in Blaze
RIT Team Rescues Two (PA) Firefighters Trapped in Blaze Five rowhomes in Girardville were destroyed by the fire sparked by Duraflame logs in a wood burner. Two firefighters had to be rescued after they became trapped while battling a fire in Girardville Wednesday night, according to The Republican Herald. Five rowhomes on Main Street were destroyed […]

Commercial 2-11 Fire Chicago (IL)
Commercial 2-11 Fire Chicago (IL) Chicago 2-11 fire at 1896 Milwaukee, 1 story commercial…1 snorkel and 1 tower used. 2-11 alarm on Wednesday at 1896 Milwaukee Avenue in Chicago, Illinois. Video is by Steve Redick. Click here to see Steve’s Chicago Fire Department photos and to buy his books. From the Chicago Tribune: The alarm was […]

Townhouse Flashover (VA)
An adult female suffered life-threatening injuries and 3 firefighters were transported with minor injuries as a result of a 2-alarm fire at a townhouse located on the 6800 block of Clowser Court in Springfield, VA. A Fairfax County Fire official says it took aggressive action by 85 firefighters to contain the fire and prevent extension […]